I think my hesitations here are:

1) Given what God already tolerates (on non-skeptical scenarios), and given plausible theodicies about why She does so, is the harm of being in a skeptical scenario something we have high prior probability She would protect us from? If anything theodicy (by your account the strongest line against theism) looks much *easier* within a skeptical scenario.

2) This might be tussling with the premise that skepticism is false, but I feel like there is a case to be made that eg “perhaps I am most likely a Boltzmann brain, but my actions only matter if I am not, therefore I will act on the premise that my actions have consequences.” One can regard this as a Kantian rather than dogmatic (neutral valence of dogmatic) solution.

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What do you make of the Hindu notion of maya, isn't that a theistic skeptical scenario (there is a supreme God in Hinduism, even if there are lesser ones as well)? You may even have called it out when you posited reality as collective dream in a skeptical scenario. There doesn't seem to be anything bad about being in a collective dream, it just is what it is.

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Not familiar.

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I reckon that there’s an 85% chance we wouldn’t be in a skeptical scenario under atheism, and a roughly 90% chance that we aren’t under Theism, since there are some whacky theodical reasons why God might do something like that

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