Nov 23, 2022Liked by Bentham's Bulldog

'A huge part of what motivates people is being opposite from people they regard as vile.'

This acute observation is insufficiently recognised. When everyone accounts for polarisation as the tendency toward groupishness they conveniently overlook the role of the story we construct about ourselves.

Groupishness is downstream of self-narrative.

This is a very good essay - thanks.

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You overlook a genetic component to political beliefs.

Didn’t MADD win? Have they not achieved their goals?

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Is it worth considering that trying to build a political movement by motivating hate and contempt towards an outgroup might undo or at least mitigate some of the benefits of said political movement?

One of the most destructive forces in human history has been large groups of people convinced they are doing good or the world and then doing a awful things which they justify because it is in service or a greater good?

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