Mar 24Liked by Bentham's Bulldog

Unfortunately, it is likely that in the future , our descendants will see this practice with the same horror we look at slavery in the past, and tell themselves "If I were in their shoes, I would have done something"

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What’s your take on eating humanely raised beef. Seems positive for a couple reasons to me: you help fund a seemingly good life for a cow, support local farms, and you get tasty meat. I am currently a vegetarian but am considering finding a local farm to buy from.

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This article is ridiculous. I grew up working on a "factory farm" and the conditions you describe chickens living in are as fake as the myths of slave owners torturing and killing their slaves.

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I believe that factory farming is a horrific and sickening evil.

However, I think it is a jump to go from there to thinking that eating any kind of meat is unacceptable. Eating animals that are treated well, have happy lives, and are killed humanely seems to me to be a different category.

Obviously if all meat eaten was from this other category there would have to be a massive reduction in the amount of meat consumed. If there was such a thing "ethical meat" would you eat it? Why, or why not?

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What's your view on the use of animals in science?

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There is as much falseness to this article as there is truth. Too much religiousity to waste time correcting.

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have you read this: https://philpapers.org/archive/ISACYC.pdf

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I think the ordinary sense of the word "murder" is something like "the unjust killing of one or more persons by one or more other persons." The Nazis were murderers because they were persons who unjustly killed other persons. The same is true of Ender: the aliens he kills are persons, just like him (assuming I'm remembering the plot of Ender's Game correctly). But the ordinary usage clearly doesn't include the killing of non-persons. If I told you my friend Todd was a murderer, and then it turns out that his victim was a pigeon, you'd (rightly) feel that I'd deceived you. The same is true when a non-person kills a person: if Todd gets eaten by a lion, he won't have been "murdered."

Of course, I agree that factory farms are hideously immoral, and that people shouldn't buy things produced on them. But I don't think what occurs on factory farms is murder, and I don't think one has to embrace a non-standard or pedantic use of the word in order to draw that conclusion. And the distinction seems morally relevant to me: killing a person is significantly morally worse than killing a non-person (though I don't expect you to necessarily agree with that).

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What is your view on the ethics of factory-farmed dairy?

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This article is pointless. People barely pretend to not care about animals for rational reasons, so no amount of rational argumentation will convince them.

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