Sep 4Liked by Bentham's Bulldog

A fine tribute to a wonderful woman, thank you.

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Sep 4Liked by Bentham's Bulldog

Her נשמה should have an עליה.

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Sep 4Liked by Bentham's Bulldog

It’s a thing some say in Judaism about those who have passed. It means that their neshama (soul) should have an aliyah (go up (to heaven/ a higher spiritual realm)). Despite not being religious, I think it’s a nice gesture.

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Sep 4Liked by Bentham's Bulldog

Ihre Seele soll hoch fliegen

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Sep 4Liked by Bentham's Bulldog

May her soul (Seele/nashome) fly high (hoch fliegen/aliyah)

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Sep 4Liked by Bentham's Bulldog

Oh ok, that makes a lot of sense.

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Sep 4Liked by Bentham's Bulldog

Do we make people like her anymore? If not, we are losing a lot, and recovering as much of that as possible shall be a cultural priority.

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Sep 4·edited Sep 4Liked by Bentham's Bulldog

A true Mensch! My hope is that I'll live life like Camus' Sisyphus: Never losing heart over the fact that all we're doing is rolling a heavy rock up and down a hill, and enthusiastically playing the game until I drop dead of exhaustion

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Sep 4Liked by Bentham's Bulldog

Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted

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