I share the sentiment, and yet, one has to think of how to sell this. Speaking of avecaust and mamocaust sounds like you're equating animals to humans, and maybe you believe in that (not sure), but that's a bridge too far for a lot of people.

The most compelling case for ending this is the footage. It really speaks for itself.

In spite of everything, what this got me to do is to change my Giving What We Can 10% pledge to a 25% allocation to animal charities. I can't bring myself to direct all my altruism to animals, but I can totally understand why someone would choose to devote all their charitable efforts to ending factory farming.

Is there something tangible one can do about this? I'm willing to proselytize in my personal life, but people are so apathetic these days... I wonder if we're even capable of abolishing slavery, should it have persisted to the present day (I have heard of a historian who thinks it's plausible that it could have endured, because the abolitionist movement was highly unusual in its persistence).

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I agree about the footage. Yeah, I'm not sure how effective this description would be for convincing non-vegans, but maybe it would. I think donating, being an activist, and talking to others is a good way of decreasing animal cruelty.

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Worst things humanity ever did... so far

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I usually say it is *an* holocaust; the jewish holocaust being another one. It works well to convey how serious it is. And certainly more than if I used one of your terms. The shock factor to normies is usually a good way to start a conversation.

I found a similar idea with Matthieu Ricard introducing the term zoocide :


Also, I don't know why you seem to ignore the marine victims here. I feel like they go through even worse. Indeed:

1. People care even less about them than mammals and bird. Laws give them less consideration, if any at all. Actually, people are not only indifferent to their suffering like for land animals, but they literally find hooking and then slowly suffocating fishes wholesome!

2. Right now, in virtually 100% cases, their death are brutal. I believe there is generally no expected procedure: just doing whatever. Usually, leaving they to slowly suffocate for hours.

And apart from their executions, their lives are no less miserable than those in terrestrial factories if they're not wild caught. (I admit I don't have precise figures here)

3. Their number are ASTRONOMICAL. It is so great the statistics are not counting individuals but tons. I believe we are easily in the trillion ballpark yearly.

Anyway... screw humanity 😞

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Good way of saying it, and yes, I also often refer to it as an animal holocaust. I agree that what we're doing to fish is at least as bad--I started writing an article at some point about fish farming called "The Aquatic Treblinka," where I talk about fish farming. The point is just that we have not subjugated most fish--most fish live in the ocean.

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Consider how this would play out on Piers Morgan Uncensored.

Joey: “...there’s an ongoing avecaust—”

Piers: “Yeah, none of you VEGANS ever want to talk about the POOR AVOCADOS!”

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