Jul 11·edited Jul 11Liked by Bentham's Bulldog

It's not clear that evidential decision theorists who are also thirders (among them Biden, if he accepts SIA) can avail themselves of the WAR argument, since they're open to a Dutch book in Sleeping Beauty situations. Trump brought this to my attention this shortly after the debate and informed me that he's a double-halfer (personal correspondence).

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Jul 11Liked by Bentham's Bulldog

On a related note, I recently obtained a leaked transcript of the REAL interview between Biden and George Stephanopoulous https://open.substack.com/pub/wollenblog/p/bidens-real-interview-with-abc-news?r=2248ub&utm_medium=ios

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Jul 11Liked by Bentham's Bulldog

I am not nearly as erudite in philosophy as you, but this was still very funny. Good for you!

One little point: In your last paragraph, you associate Trump with innovation. I don't think think that the man has any respect for innovation, IMHO. I would not be surprised if I were to learn that he is threatened by it - actually threatened by its source, the independent, individual thinking human mind.

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The best line:

>Biden: Look—I was reading Bryan Caplan’s book open borders recently. Now, he goes a little far…anyways.

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